20mph speed limits could lead to reduced car insurance costs

author image-tom
By Tom Bentley
Updated on Tuesday 10 September 2024

20 mph speed limit

As 20mph speed limits become more common, UK drivers may see a positive impact on their car insurance premiums thanks to fewer road accidents.

Motorists across the UK could soon benefit from lower car insurance premiums as more areas adopt 20mph speed limits in residential and restricted zones. According to recent data from leading insurers, these speed reductions are already making roads safer and could result in cheaper car insurance costs for drivers.

Last September, Wales became one of the first countries globally to set 20mph as the default speed limit on most restricted and residential roads. This decision aimed to reduce traffic congestion, lower emissions, and improve road safety. While the move initially sparked mixed reactions, the benefits are now becoming clear.

Leading car insurance providers have reported a 20% drop in accident claims in Wales since the 20mph limits were introduced. Rob Clark, Head of Motor Underwriting at Esure, noted, “There has been a noticeable reduction in claims, particularly during periods when they would normally rise. The 20mph speed limit has clearly made a difference.”

Despite initial scepticism from some motorists, who argued that the reduced speed limits could lead to increased journey times, the data tells a different story. Fewer accidents mean fewer claims, which could eventually translate into lower premiums for drivers. The Welsh Government has since encouraged residents to discuss the appropriateness of 20mph speed limits with their local councils, ensuring the limits are placed where they are most needed, such as near schools, parks, and community centres.

Support for the 20mph speed limit initiative is growing, with many drivers now recognising the advantages of slower speeds in high-risk areas. Transport Secretary Louise Haigh recently advocated for local decision-making when it comes to implementing new speed limits, suggesting that communities should have a say in where these measures are applied.

Scotland is expected to introduce similar legislation soon, following in Wales’ footsteps with new average speed limits in urban areas. Advocacy group 20’s Plenty, one of the biggest supporters of these changes, has highlighted the benefits of slower speeds, not only for safety but also for reducing car insurance costs. Rod King MBE, the group’s founder, stated, “Reducing speed limits to 20mph significantly cuts the number of road accidents and, in turn, lowers insurance claims. This has a direct financial benefit for drivers.”

The reduction in accident claims is especially timely given the rising cost of living. The average car insurance premium in the UK currently stands at around £882, but this can soar to over £3,000 for young drivers aged 18. With 20mph speed limits proving effective in reducing accidents, further expansion of these zones could help bring insurance costs down.

As more cities and regions consider adopting 20mph speed limits, the potential for widespread savings on car insurance grows. If these speed limits are rolled out nationwide, drivers could enjoy safer roads and reduced insurance premiums, creating a win-win for both motorists and insurers.

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